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Events and Calendar

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Naomi-Ruth Fellowship Circle
Usher's in Worship
Need a Ride to Church?
Sunburst Singers Music Program for children

Snack Pax Bags

We are packing 400 Snack Pax bags after worship on Sunday, November 3. All ages are invited to join us to pack the bags in Kirkman Fellowship Hall. Coffee hour will be at the same time, with thanks to Marilyn Sutton, and Shirley and Ron Gillham for hosting!

Men’s Fellowship Group

The Men’s Fellowship Group will gather at Bagger Dave’s in Berkley (2972 Coolidge) starting at 7:30pm on Monday, November 4. Join us for some multifarious topics of conversation. If you
can’t join us at 7:30pm, don’t worry. Join us at 8pm or 8:30pm and you can find a place in one of
the conversations.

Fall Grounds Clean-Up

The House and Grounds Committee invites you to join us on Saturday, November 9, from 9am-12noon for the annual Fall Grounds Clean-Up. All are welcome! Bring work gloves and gardening gear as we rake leaves and prepare the church grounds for the coming winter. Rain date: after worship on Sunday, November 10.

Adventure in Worship

Plan to join us for our Adventure in Worship event on Sunday, November 10 from 9-10:15am. Children of all ages are invited to attend with their grown-ups! There will be opportunities to learn about worship including baptism, communion, and organ music. Doughnuts and juice will be offered as we get started! Childcare for infants and toddlers available upon request, contact Joelle Jarrait.

Women’s Fellowship Group Meets November 11

Women of all ages and stages are invited to participate for fellowship, friendship, and conversation. We’ll meet at North End Taproom (111. S. Main St., Royal Oak) on Monday, November 11 at 7pm. The Taproom offers beverages, including non-alcoholic options, and food. Let us know you’re coming by November 4.

Serve at Forgotten Harvest

The Mission in Service Committee is partnering with S.T.A.G.E. Youth Ministry and Drayton Presbyterian Church to serve at Forgotten Harvest Food Rescue in Oak Park on Saturday, November 16 from 1-4pm. Look for a sign-up link coming soon!


Mammograms Save Lives--Get Yours at FPCRO!

The Anthony L. Soave Family Mobile Mammography Screening Center will be at FPCRO on Monday, November 18 from 9am to 4pm. Advance registration is required, so please call 248-577-0800 to reserve your spot. This mobile mammography screening center serves all women regardless of health insurance status. Mammography is usually a covered benefit within a 12-month period. Please bring a photo ID and your insurance card (if applicable). All mammography images are read by board certified radiologists. You must be 40 years or older without prior breast condition. For more information call 568-381-1603 or visit this link.

Women’s Wellness Circle: Sharing Ideas & Experiences

Wednesdays at 7pm, thru November 20, in the Fireside Room

The responsibilities of caregiving for family, friends, and communities, alongside demanding careers or volunteering, often take a toll on women’s wellness. When we take time to gather, we can share tools and resources with one another, accept that we are in this together, support one another, and continue doing these tasks while protecting our wellness. Each week we’ll share and discuss a scheduled topic, but also check in with one another. Facilitated by Heather Gleason. Sign-up here.

Time to Order Christmas Poinsettias!

Visit this page to download your fillable PDF form to order Poinsettias for 2024. Orders are due by Sunday, December 1, and the plants are $15.50 each. Please make check payable to First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak. Questions? Contact Chris Klein.

Angel Tree Toy Donations

You are invited to donate new, unwrapped toys to bring a sense of love and hope to a child in your community. Please bring unwrapped gifts to FPCRO by Sunday, December 1. In addition to toys, the Salvation Army is in need of new winter coats. The Angel Tree program in Royal Oak helps 15 communities in Southeast Oakland County. Need gift donation ideas? Use the QR codes on the poster in the CE Lobby, or the links provided here, for the Amazon and Walmart Angel Tree wish lists.

Advent Study: Mondays in December, 11am-12pm

Beginning December 2, join Pastor Emma to read the short book Christmas in the Four Gospel Homes: An Advent Study. Order your copy now! (Also available on Kindle.) This Advent study will help us anticipate the gift of Jesus as we explore the unique ways each of the gospel writers describes the incarnation. We visit the “home” of Mark—a spare, simple house—then travel to the fully decked out home of Luke and his familiar nativity story. With stops at Matthew’s and John’s abodes, too, we notice how the differing stories emphasize various aspects of God-made-flesh.

Naomi-Ruth Circle Meets Wednesdays at 10:30am

Women of FPCRO, mark your calendars and attend Naomi-Ruth Circle! Circle meets at 10:30am in the Fireside Room the second Wednesday of the month September to June. We begin with fellowship and snacks, share joys and concerns, and learn of various missions, and conclude with Bible Study. This year’s study is “Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke through Acts,” produced by Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible Study.

Opportunity to Usher on Sunday Mornings

The Worship and Nurture Committee is looking for ushers. Simply arrive 20-25 minutes ahead of
the 10:30am service to greet folks and hand out bulletins. After worship, retrieve the completed
pew rack Friendship pad forms. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Narthex. Questions? Contact Gail Meengs.

Need a Ride to Church?

The Deacons want to ensure that everyone who wants to come to church can get here! Roger Watson is the transportation advocate on the Board of Deacons. If you need a ride to church, or would like to have a ride occasionally, please get in touch with Roger. Or call the church office to get his contact information. Roger can work with you to see how we can arrange a ride for you to join us for worship.

Sunburst Singers Music Program for Children

Join our music program for kids (preschool through early middle school), following worship on the first and third Sundays of each month from September through June.

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