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Events and Calendar

2025 Sub Sale Flyer.png
Naomi-Ruth Fellowship Circle
Usher's in Worship
Need a Ride to Church?
Sunburst Singers Music Program for children

​FPCRO Game Day Party​​​​​​

On Saturday, January 4, 2025, from 2-4pm, the Worship and Nurture committee invites people of all ages to bring their favorite game to share to enjoy an afternoon of fellowship for all ages.

Photo by Randy Fath on Unsplash


Ordination Service Sunday, January 5 

Join FPCRO and the Presbytery of Detroit on Sunday, January 5, 2025, at 2pm to celebrate the ordination to the ministry of Word and Sacrament for FPCRO member Lon Kuehn. A reception will follow, hosted by the Sunday morning Bible study.


Men’s Fellowship Group

The Men’s Fellowship Group will gather at Bagger Dave’s in Berkley (2972 Coolidge) starting at 7:30pm on Monday, January 6, 2025. Join us for some multifarious topics of conversation.
If you can’t join us at 7:30pm, don’t worry. Join us at 8pm or 8:30pm and you can find a place in one of the conversations.


Taking Down the Greens

Join us for a few minutes after worship on Sunday, January 12 to take down the Christmas greens in the sanctuary and around the church. Then enjoy coffee hour hosted by Shirley & Ron Gillham.


Upcoming January S.T.A.G.E. Dates

Regular Meeting on January 12, from 4:30-6:30pm at First Presbyterian Church Birmingham. Service day at Crossroads on January 26. S.T.A.G.E. (Somewhere To Ask God Everything) is a collaborative youth group which strives to build lifelong relationships, impact the communities we live in, and learn about and share the love of Christ! Join our newsletter for all the details on our meetings, added service events during the year, and summer mission work! Meetings are open to all Middle and High School Students (6th-12th grade)


Women’s Fellowship Group

Women of all ages and stages are invited to participate for fellowship, friendship, and conversation. We’ll meet at North End Taproom (111. S. Main St., Royal Oak) on Monday, January 20, 2025, at 7pm. The Taproom offers beverages, including non-alcoholic options, and food.


The Big Game Subs Fundraiser Save the Dates!

On Saturday, February 8 from 1-3pm and Sunday, February 9 from 7:30-11:30am, we will need middle and high-school youth to help with our annual fundraiser! Saturday we will be prepping ingredients for the subs, and Sunday morning we will assemble them bright and early. Both days we will be at FPCRO, and our goal is to have all sub orders delivered to their respective congregations for pick-up mid-morning on February 9. Refreshments will be provided Sunday for volunteers.


Congregational Lenten Devotional-Contribute an entry before Feb 9

You are invited to contribute to our 2025 Congregational Lenten Devotional. This year, we are compiling a booklet to use for spiritual enrichment during Lent. Each day of Lent will include a short entry for reflection, written by church members and friends. To make it possible, we need you to contribute an entry (or two or three!) Click here to write an entry. Select a weekly topic and use the prompt to guide your reflection. Each entry only needs to be 100-250 words. Writers of all ages and abilities are encouraged to participate!


Naomi-Ruth Circle Meets Wednesdays at 10:30am

Women of FPCRO, mark your calendars and attend Naomi-Ruth Circle! Circle meets at 10:30am in the Fireside Room the second Wednesday of the month September to June. We begin with fellowship and snacks, share joys and concerns, and learn of various missions, and conclude with Bible Study. This year’s study is “Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke through Acts,” produced by Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible Study.


Opportunity to Usher on Sunday Mornings

The Worship and Nurture Committee is looking for ushers. Simply arrive 20-25 minutes ahead of
the 10:30am service to greet folks and hand out bulletins. After worship, retrieve the completed
pew rack Friendship pad forms. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Narthex. Questions? Contact Gail Meengs.


Need a Ride to Church?

The Deacons want to ensure that everyone who wants to come to church can get here! Roger Watson is the transportation advocate on the Board of Deacons. If you need a ride to church, or would like to have a ride occasionally, please get in touch with Roger. Or call the church office to get his contact information. Roger can work with you to see how we can arrange a ride for you to join us for worship.


​Sunburst Singers Music Program for Children

Join our music program for kids (preschool through early middle school), following worship on the first and third Sundays of each month from September through June.​

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