First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak
529 Hendrie Blvd., Royal Oak MI 48067 • 248-541-0108 •
Events and Calendar
Flu Shots on September 8
Get your flu shot before or after worship on Sunday, September 8 from 9am-12pm. This year, Kroger pharmacy will offer the shots for ages 3 and up. Bring your ID and insurance card. The flu shot for age 65+ will be available. The pharmacist will also be able to offer vaccines for RSV, pneumonia, COVID-19, and shingles for those who are eligible. Thanks to the Deacons for sponsoring this annual event! A registration form to fill out ahead of time is at the CE Lobby reception desk.
Men’s Fellowship Group
The Men’s Fellowship Group will re-convene on Monday, September 9 at 7:30pm at Bagger Dave’s in Berkley (2972 Coolidge). This is a change from our usual first Monday of the month due to the Labor Day holiday. Please join us, whether you are a newcomer or a regular, for some wide-ranging conversation. Contact Derek Helenberger or Matthew Nickel for more details.
Facility Improvement Forum
After worship in the Fireside Room on Sunday, September 15, join us as we begin discerning what upgrades and updates our church facility requires for the years ahead and those we might also benefit from. Hear about the facility assessment that has been completed and possibilities for updates in the sanctuary, lobby, and/or other areas that would improve the spaces’ function and hospitality. Childcare will be available in the nursery for young children.
S.T.A.G.E. Kick-Off Party
Our S.T.A.G.E. (Somewhere To Ask God Everything) Kick-Off Party is September 15 at 4:30pm at FPCRO and is open to all 6th grade through 12th grade youth. Bring a friend! S.T.A.G.E. (Somewhere To Ask God Everything) is a collaborative youth group which strives to build lifelong relationships, impact the communities we live in, and learn about, and share the love of Christ! Meetings, on select Sundays, are held at one of our collaborating churches. Join our newsletter by email for all the details on our meetings, added service events during the year, and summer mission work!
Rise Against Hunger—Sunday, September 22, 12pm-2pm
Join us for the 3rd annual Rise Against Hunger meal-packing event after worship on Sunday, September 22. We'll have lunch in the Fireside Room and then proceed to Kirkman Fellowship Hall to pack 10,000 meals. This event has opportunities for all ages—kids through seniors! We especially need a few volunteers for set-up from 9am-10am and clean-up 2-2:30pm. The main event requires 50 volunteers and runs about 12pm-2pm. Sign-up here for all the shifts.
Save the Date for CROP Walk!
The 2024 Ferndale/Royal Oak CROP Hunger Walk is September 22. Join our team, whether it’s a tradition for you to walk, or if it’s your first time! Visit this page to learn more. Funds raised will help people in our community, and in places around the world, to overcome the challenges of hunger and food insecurity. Questions? Contact Scott Rieck.
Annual Meeting of the Congregation and Corporation
The annual meeting of the congregation and corporation will take place immediately following worship on Sunday, September 29 in the sanctuary. We’ll receive the Annual Report, hear brief updates from the pastor and leaders, and vote on the pastor’s terms of call for the coming year. Members are encourage
New Member Class: October 6, 13, and 20
Classes meet Sundays from 9-10am and conclude October 20 with breakfast and a brief Session meeting to receive new members. We’ll welcome you in worship at 10:30am that day! Childcare is provided upon request. Please RSVP to Pastor Emma or call the church office.
Lunch and Learn, “Barmen Declaration: a Status Confessionis”
Sunday, October 13 • 11:30am-1pm
As the Nazi regime took shape, much of the German Church acquiesced to their brand of nationalism. A small minority of German Christians responded by writing a statement of faith called the Barmen Declaration, which is one of the historic confessions of faith of the Presbyterian Church (USA). This was a time when the integrity of the gospel's proclamation was at stake. A status confessions describes a time when the Christian who is faithful to the gospel of Jesus Christ may have to lay his or her own life on the line. The Worship & Nurture Committee invite all to lunch, and then to learn why the Barmen Declaration holds importance for Christians like us today. The Rev. Dr. Loren Scribner will present on this topic. Rev. Dr. Scribner is a retired PCUSA minister who, after a tour in the U.S. Navy at the age of 19, decided to study Christianity. He graduated from San Francisco Theological Seminary in 1966, served churches in Westland and Sturgis, Michigan. Longing to teach, in 1988 he accepted a teaching chaplain position at Schreiner University, a Presbyterian college in Kerrville, Texas. Loren worships at the Grosse Ile Presbyterian Church with his wife, Sharon. Sign-up for lunch and the presentation by October 7. If you would like to have childcare during the presentation, contact Pastor Emma Nickel.
Opportunity to Usher on Sunday Mornings
The Worship and Nurture Committee is looking for ushers. Simply arrive 20-25 minutes ahead of
the 10:30am service to greet folks and hand out bulletins. After worship, retrieve the completed
pew rack Friendship pad forms. A sign-up sheet is on the table in the Narthex. Questions? Contact Gail Meengs.
Need a Ride to Church?
The Deacons want to ensure that everyone who wants to come to church can get here! Roger Watson is the transportation advocate on the Board of Deacons. If you need a ride to church, or would like to have a ride occasionally, please get in touch with Roger. Or call the church office to get his contact information. Roger can work with you to see how we can arrange a ride for you to join us for worship.
Liturgists in Worship
Are you comfortable with public speaking? Do you love God and love to serve the church? Do you want to try something new? Pastor Emma and the Worship and Nurture Committee invite church members and friends to serve as liturgists in the new year. If you are able and willing to serve, please contact Pastor Emma to be added to the weekly schedule.
Naomi-Ruth Circle Meets Wednesdays at 10:30am
Women of FPCRO, mark your calendars and attend Naomi-Ruth Circle! Circle meets at 10:30am in the Fireside Room the second Wednesday of the month September to June. We begin with fellowship and snacks, share joys and concerns, and learn of various missions, and conclude with Bible Study. This year’s study is “Sacred Encounters: The Power and Presence of Jesus Christ in Luke through Acts,” produced by Presbyterian Women/Horizons Bible Study.
Sunburst Singers Music Program for Children
Join our music program for kids (preschool through early middle school), following worship on the first and third Sundays of each month from September through June.
Forging Faith Podcast
What happens when spirituality collides with life? In FPCRO's new podcast, Pastor Emma talks with folks who have experienced a variety of challenges—from cancer to divorce to adoption—and hears how their faith has been stretched and shaped by these experiences. Check it out here. “Forging Faith” on Spotify, Apple Podcasts and other podcast platforms. We’re grateful to the Earla B. Smith Foundation for making the podcast possible!