First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak
529 Hendrie Blvd., Royal Oak MI 48067 • 248-541-0108 • fpcro@fpcro.org
100 Years of God’s Faithfulness

Throughout its more than 100 years, FPCRO has evolved into a dynamic, Christ-centered, family-friendly church in Royal Oak, Michigan. Below are some key dates in FPCRO’s rich 100 year history.
Historical Dates
January 5, 1914 – 21 people gathered at D.K. Smith’s furniture store to explore starting a Presbyterian Church in Royal Oak.
May 17, 1914 – FPCRO was formed with 79 charter members.
April 14, 1915 – Two acres, “out in the country,” accessible only by a footpath, were purchased for $3,650 from George Hendrie (who contributed $600).
October 29, 1916 – The first two-story building was dedicated.
April 17, 1955 – New sanctuary was dedicated, with a seating capacity for 625.
October 14, 1962 – Cornerstone set for Fellowship Hall (later renamed Kirkman Fellowship Hall) constructed where the original 1916 sanctuary sat.
October 6, 2013 – The Centennial Organ, Reuter Opus 2241, was dedicated.