First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak
529 Hendrie Blvd., Royal Oak MI 48067 • 248-541-0108 •
The Forging Faith Podcast Electronic Press Kit (EPK)
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If needed, please contact Sally Gilreath or Pastor Emma Nickel for assistance.
We are a dynamic, Christ-centered, family-friendly church located just off Woodward Avenue in Royal Oak. We welcome all who seek meaning in their lives and who wonder about the gifts of God. We approach our faith ready to ask questions and with enough courage to share our doubts. People of all backgrounds, traditions, and orientations are invited and welcome to join us on the journey.
When Spirituality and Life Collide
First Presbyterian Church has launched a new podcast that explores the impact that life-changing events, such as a divorce or a cancer diagnosis, have on people’s faith. Pastor Emma Nickel talks to church members, friends, and a Christian author about a range of challenges that they have faced, including parenting a child dealing with depression and the complicated journey of adopting a baby. The conversations show why it’s ok to be angry with God and how to find joy and meaning even in the midst of difficult experiences. The stories remind listeners that the journey of faith rarely follows a straight path.
Forging Faith invites listeners to engage faith outside the four walls of a church on their own schedule. Seekers, church-shoppers, and lifelong Christians will hear how faith is stretched and shaped when people encounter the challenges life deals them.
Key Guests
Episode 1: Sharon - Faith Meets Cancer
Episode 2: Benny - Finding God in a New Country
Episode 3: Reverend MaryAnn McKibben Dana, author of
Hope: A User’s Manual-Faith Meets Depression
Episode 4: Kevin - Values Over Profit
Episode 5: Amy - Faith Meets Divorce
Episode 6: Mike - Seeking a Path to God
Episode 7: Rev. Emma Nickel - Making Faith Matter: A Conversation with Pastor Emma Nickel
Episodes and Links
Episode 1 Faith Meets Cancer
Episode 2 Finding God in a New Country
Episode 3 Faith Meets Depression
Episode 4 Values Over Profit
Episode 5 Faith Meets Divorce
Episode 6 Seeking a Path to God
Episode 7 Making Faith Matter: A Conversation with Pastor Emma Nickel
Important Links
Apple Podcasts
Spotify Podcasts